This internet site displaying spiders from Europe and Australia was started in 1996.
The start of this new hobby was encouraged by members of the British Arachnology Society (BAS) and the Belgium Werkgroep Inheemse Spinnen (WIS).
Craig Slawson (Council member of the British Arachnological Society) who carefully read the first web pages in February 1997 gave me with Paul Selden some valuable basic suggestions about spiders.
I would like to acknowledge Bryan Goethals for
providing me with some translated excerpts from his publications in the
journals of WIS (Werkgroep Inheemse Spinnen) as well as for several corrections
suggested by him, Vinay Koshte , Gie Wyckmans, Herman
Vanuytven and Luc Vanhercke.
Heiko Metzner regularly mailed me with suggestions and his internet site
is well-known.
Yvan Montardi started a salticid site in the beginning of this millennium and due to him many jumping spiders could be given a name
Lars Bruun checked the European wolf spiders in 2000 and Arno Grabolle checked my site on errors in 2010 and I am obliged they did so.
Koen van Keer is always enthusiastic in the determination of difficult spiders and he is often helped by his brother Johan van Keer.
Leo de Cooman translated some pages in Esperanto and together we could calculate the force and required diameter of a spider thread trying to stop a Boeing in full flight
The last years many spiders sites pop-up in Europe.
Jørgen Lissner’s site is becoming a valuable site for identification of European spiders.
Jerzy Proszynski identified many Australian and European salticids and started in the start of this millennium a giant salticids internet site.
With Glenda Crew I started separately internet pages about Australian spider somewhere around 1997.
Several years later Ron Atkinson added an impressive Australian spider site and due with help of these sites I was able to identify my unknowns.
The Australian site was impossible with the help of members of the Australian arachnology society. Volker Framenau, Mark Harvey and Juliana Waldock are often helping me with identifications.
Jurgen Otto and Robert Whyte contributed many pictures from the Eastern site of Australia and Wendy Eiby and Fahran Bokhari roamed the Western site of Australia and Michael Barritt the Centre and lately the North
Robert Whyte’s internet site is growing fast with the
help of Greg Anderson and Martin Stevens and with the cooperation
of them many pictures were added to my site.
Several of the Australian Mygalomorphs were photographed and donated by Colin
Halliday and since then many visitors were attracted by this infamous
And of course my spider companion Ronald Loggen is invaluable in locating spiders while I am photographing his previous finding and programming the Access database to manage the pictures
Wikipedia is growing fast and Flikcr also show many spider pictures. Let’s hope these sites do not kill the personal initiatives that give some flavour to the internet.
Ed Nieuwenhuys, July 2011