Bluetooth BLE with C2541 or nRF chipsets 

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Strings of data can be transferred between computers by wire or by air.
Serial communication is an long proven solid method to send small amounts of data, like instructions or records from measurement on a remote device.
An universal asynchronous receiver-transmitter (UART) is a computer hardware device for asynchronous serial communication in which the data format and transmission speeds are configurable as Wikipedia describes it.

The serial port on a PC can be connected by wire to an other PC's serial port.
If from both wires the TX (transmit) pin from one PC is connected to the RX (receive) pin of the other PC, the PC's can communicate.
Both PC's must be set to the same transmission speed, the baud rate. The baud rate is how many bits per second are send over the wires.

A standard communication speed is 9600 baud = 9600 bits per second. In this string of bits some are control bits. 9600 baud is roughly 1000 bytes per second.
A baud rate of 115200 is also a common used speed.

There are several methods that can be used to send data through the air.

HM-10 Bluetooth modules use a Texas Instruments C2541 chip for the decoding of the signal to a string of bits.
A HM-10 or similar BLE module, like JDY-23, can be used with Android and Apple phones. HC-0x modules, like the popular HC-05, can not be used with Apple devices. Therefore HM-10 modules are a good choice. They are cheap and can be connected to Arduino or other MCU's
ESP32 and some Arduino MCU's use the Nordic nRF52 chipsets. They are often integrated in the processor boards together with an WIFI module.

Bluetooth has a range of 10 meters and can be transmitted and received with a mobile phone.
There are similar serial radio modules, known as HC-12, that has ranges up to 1000 meter. (See an example here)
Two HC-12 modules can be used instead of a long cable between two devices. They are easy to operate but you can not use a phone. 
A HM-10 or similar BLE module, like JDY-23, can be used with Android and Apple phones. HC-0x modules, like the popular HC-05, can not be used with Apple devices. Therefore HM-10 modules are a good choice.

This page describes how to use a phone to communicate with an Arduino program to send instructions and received results.
A similar program to communicate with the Nordic nRF chipset with an ESP32 is described here.


Use the Bluetooth HM-10 BLE module to send and receive messages with an Arduino

Communication with Bluetooth modules takes place through the serial pin RX and TX on the Arduino and the Bluetooth module.

The library Softwareserial.h makes it possible on older Arduino's to use other pins than the standard pins 0 and 1 that are also used to upload programs.
ESP32 also have TX1/RX1 and some have even more programmable serial pins.

In the example program pin 6 & 7 can be used.
This is accomplished by the #define BLUETOOTHMOD.

With these instruction in the program
          #ifdef BLUETOOTHMOD
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
          #endif //BLUETOOTHMOD 

Code between the #ifdef and #endif are compiled in the program or not if BLUETOOTHMOD is not defined
Define BT

One can spare the two pin 6&7 and connect the BLE module to pin 0&1, the serial port pins of Arduino's. This saves a library and some code that has to be used to read and write to pins 6&7. But ... the BLE module interferes the upload of programs to the Arduino and the module must be disconnect before every upload.

The Arduino can be connected with an USB cable to a PC and controlled with a serial terminal program like the one in the Arduino IDE or Termite.

With a serial terminal program one can send commands to the receiver that can be used in the Arduino program to do something.
I use letters and digits to do tasks in the program.

In the terminal window the menu from the Arduino is displayed and commands can be entered in the "Enter message" field at bottom of that window.
If a BT module is connected to pin 0&1 one can see the data at the same time in a connected phone


HM-10 JDY-23
HM-10 left and JDY-23 (2nd) BLE modules

The menu to display in the terminal

The menu is a character array with text to be displayed.
In this example a menu line can not be longer than 41 characters.
//0             1              2               3              4              5

char menu[][42] = {                                // menu[][nn] nn is largest length of sentence in the menu
"A Action A",
"D Enter Date DDDMMYYYY (D25122021",
"I For this info menu",
"R Action R",
"T Enter time as THHMMSS (T071500)",
"Jan 2022" };

The subroutine below translates the received command line to an action.

void ReworkInputString(String InputString)
 InputString.trim();                                                                          // Remove trailing spaces
 if (InputString.length()>10) return;                                                         // If string is too long for some reason
 if (InputString[0] > 64 && InputString[0] <123)                                              // If the first charater is a letter
  sprintf(sptext,"**** Wrong entry ****");                                                    // Default message 
  switch (InputString[0]) 
    case 'A':
    case 'a':
            if (InputString.length() == 1)
               sprintf(sptext,"Action A");
    case 'D':
    case 'd':  
            if (InputString.length() == 9 )
              int Day, Month, Year;
              Day   = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,1,3,0,31);
              Month = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,3,5, 0, 12); 
              Year  =        SConstrainInt(InputString,5,9, 2000, 3000); 
              sprintf(sptext,"%02d-%02d-%04d",Day, Month, Year);
    case 'I':
    case 'i': 
            if (InputString.length() == 1)
             sptext[0] = 0;                                                                      // Clear sptext    

    case 'R':
    case 'r':
            if (InputString.length() == 1)
               // Reset();                                                                       // Reset all settings 
               Tekstprintln("\n**** Reset to default settings ****"); 
    case 'T':
    case 't':
            if(InputString.length() >= 7)  // T125500
              int Hour, Minute, Second ;           
              Hour   = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,1,3,0,23);
              Minute = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,3,5,0,59); 
              Second = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,5,7,0,59); 
              sprintf(sptext,"%02d:%02d:%02d",Hour, Minute, Second);

 InputString = "";

A working INO file for an Arduino can be found at the bottom of this page and as file here: BLEHM-10Menu.ino

There are hardly any apps or programs that can communicate with the HM-10 BLE devices.
Below is one for IOS and one for Android.

If the HM-10 or JDY-23 (C2541 modules are used you need one of apps mentioned below.
For Apple IOS my free program "BLEserial HM-10" from the app store can be used.
if the menu program is used in nRF equipped MCU's like the RP2040 Connect or ESP32 variants use the free IOS nRF app.

The priced app BLEserial Pro app. has more capabilities and connect to both CC25xx and nRF chipsets.

 BLEserial in app store    Terminal windows

Serial Bluetooth Terminal van Kai Morich works fine as terminal app with Android.

Connect in the app with your BLE module.
Type a command in the send of enter message box or wait if your program logs results in the console window.

Change the name of a HM10 BLE with an FTDI

HM-10 to FTDI
The easiest method to change or program a HM-10 module is using a FTDI programmer.
Every BLE module can be given a name that it will broadcast and in displayed in the list of BLE devices in the IOS or Android app.
To change that name do the following:
Connect the 3.3V and GND and TX to RX and RX to TX.
Open an serial monitor like Termite or de Arduino Serial monitor and open the serial port
Enter AT in the monitor and OK should show up in the window as response of the module
AT+NAME followed with the desired name give the module a new broadcasting name.
AT+HELP list the following commands:

* Command             Description                                  *
* ---------------------------------------------------------------- *
* AT                  Check if the command terminal work normally  *
* AT+RESET            Software reboot                              *
* AT+VERSION          Get firmware, bluetooth, HCI and LMP version *
* AT+HELP             List all the commands                        *
* AT+NAME             Get/Set local device name                    *
* AT+PIN              Get/Set pin code for pairing                 *
* AT+PASS             Get/Set pin code for pairing                 *
* AT+BAUD             Get/Set baud rate                            *
* AT+LADDR            Get local bluetooth address                  *
* AT+ADDR             Get local bluetooth address                  *
* AT+DEFAULT          Restore factory default                      *
* AT+RENEW            Restore factory default                      *
* AT+STATE            Get current state                            *
* AT+PWRM             Get/Set power on mode(low power)             *
* AT+POWE             Get/Set RF transmit power                    *
* AT+SLEEP            Sleep mode                                   *
* AT+ROLE             Get/Set current role.                        *
* AT+PARI             Get/Set UART parity bit.                     *
* AT+STOP             Get/Set UART stop bit.                       *
* AT+START            System start working.                        *
* AT+IMME             System wait for command when power on.       *
* AT+IBEA             Switch iBeacon mode.                         *
* AT+IBE0             Set iBeacon UUID 0.                          *
* AT+IBE1             Set iBeacon UUID 1.                          *
* AT+IBE2             Set iBeacon UUID 2.                          *
* AT+IBE3             Set iBeacon UUID 3.                          *
* AT+MARJ             Set iBeacon MARJ .                           *
* AT+MINO             Set iBeacon MINO .                           *
* AT+MEA              Set iBeacon MEA .                            *
* AT+NOTI             Notify connection event .                    *
* AT+UUID             Get/Set system SERVER_UUID .                 *
* AT+CHAR             Get/Set system CHAR_UUID .                   *
* -----------------------------------------------------------------*
* Note: (M) = The command support slave mode only.                 *
* For more information, please visit          *
* Copyright@2013   All rights reserved.             *

Change the name of a HM-10 4.0 BT-BLE Bluetooth-module with an Arduino
First we need to connect the HM10-module to an Arduino.
Connect VCC to 3.3V on the Arduino and GND to GND, connect pin 6 to TXD and pin 7 to RXD on the Bluetooth-module.
So RX goes to TX and TX is connected to RX; “the wires are crossed”
The module has a default name like CC41-A. First we will change that name.

Load the following sketch into the Arduino Uno:
#include SoftwareSerial mySerial(6, 7); // RX, TX 
// Connect HM10      Arduino Uno
//     Pin TXD          Pin 6
//     Pin RXD          Pin 7
void setup() { 
  // If the baudrate of the HM-10 module has been updated,
  // you may need to change 9600 by another value
  // Once you have found the correct baudrate,
  // you can update it using AT+BAUDx command
  // e.g. AT+BAUD0 for 9600 bauds
void loop() { 
  char c;
  if (Serial.available()) {
    c =;
  if (mySerial.available()) {
    c =;
Start the serial monitor in the Arduino IDE.
Change right under in the monitor the LF&CR settings to “No line ending” and the baud rate to 9600 Baud
Enter in the Serial monitor:
AT+NAMEDevice01 (Or any other name you like to give the module)
The passkey of the module = 0000 when you pair the devices.
Cheap HM10 modules, bottom one, often lack a crystal but works fine too.



Android & IOS apps for communications

BLE UART serial communication apps for IOS and Android





// ============================================================================================

Connect the Bluetooth module GND and 5V and to pin 0 and 1 or 6 and 7 as noted in the comment of the digital pin assignment.
When connected to pin 0 and 1 two digital ports and the SoftwareSerial library are saved. Also the Bluetooth subroutine can be omitted.
This omission is accomplished by commenting out the #define BLUETOOTHMOD with two slashes //
A disadvantage of connecting to pin 0 & 1 is that upload to the Arduino when the Bluetooth module is connected is not possible because the module
interferes the upload.

Author .: Ed Nieuwenhuys
Changes.: 0.0.1 Initial program
// ============================================================================================
// //

#define BLUETOOTHMOD // Use this define if Bluetooth needs other pins than pin 0 and pin 1
// In this example the Bluetooth module is connected to pin 6 and 7
char VERSION[] = "BLE_HM-10_V01";

#include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Arduino for Bluetooth communication

// PIN Assignments

enum DigitalPinAssignments { // Digital hardware constants
RX = 0, // Optionally onnects to Bluetooth TX
TX = 1, // Optionally onnects to Bluetooth RX
PIN02 = 2, // Empty
PIN03 = 3, // Empty
PIN04 = 4, // Empty
PIN05 = 5, // Empty
BT_TX = 6, // Connects to Bluetooth RX
BT_RX = 7, // Connects to Bluetooth TX
PIN08 = 8, // Empty
PIN09 = 9, // Empty
PIN10 = 10, // Empty
PIN11 = 11, // Empty
PIN12 = 12, // Empty
secondsPin = 13, // LED on Arduino

enum AnaloguePinAssignments { // Analogue hardware constants ----
EmptyA0 = 0, // Empty
EmptyA1 = 1, // Empty
EmptyA2 = 2, // Empty
EmptyA3 = 3, // Empty
SDA_pin = 4, // SDA pin
SCL_pin = 5, // SCL pin
EmptyA6 = 6, // Empty
EmptyA7 = 7}; // Empty

char sptext[100]; // For common print use
uint32_t msTick; // The number of millisecond ticks since we last incremented the second counter

#ifdef BLUETOOTHMOD // Bluetooth ---------------------
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(BT_RX, BT_TX); // BT_RX <=> TXD on BT module, BT_TX <=> RXD on BT module

// Menu
//0 1 2 3 4 5
char menu[][42] = { // menu[][nn] nn is largest length of sentence in the menu
"A Action A",
"D Enter Date DDDMMYYYY (D25122021",
"I For this info menu",
"R Action R",
"T Enter time as THHMMSS (T071500)",
"Jan 2022" };
// ------------------------------------- End Definitions ---------------------------------------
// //
void loop()
InputDevicesCheck(); // Check for input from input devices
EverySecondCheck(); // This subroutine is not necessary but an example
// ARDUINO Setup
// //
void setup()
pinMode(secondsPin, OUTPUT );
Serial.begin(9600); // Setup the serial port to 9600 baud
Tekstprintln("\n*********\nSerial started");

Tekstprintln("Bluetooth enabled");

// Version info
void SWversion(void)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(menu) / sizeof(menu[0]); Tekstprintln(menu[i++]));

void PrintLine(byte Lengte)
for (int n=0; n<Lengte; n++) {Serial.print(F("-"));} Serial.println();

// //
// Update routine done every second
void EverySecondCheck(void)
uint32_t ms = millis() - msTick;
static bool Dpin; // Only write once to improve program speed in the loop()
if (ms > 1 && Dpin) // With ms>5 LED is ON very short time
{Dpin = LOW; digitalWrite(secondsPin,LOW);} // Turn OFF the second on pin 13
if (ms > 999) // Every second enter the loop
msTick = millis();
digitalWrite(secondsPin,Dpin = HIGH); // Turn ON the second on pin


// Check for input from devices
// This fubction is called from with the loop()
// //
void InputDevicesCheck(void)

// common print routines
// //
void Tekstprint(char const *tekst)

void Tekstprintln(char const *tekst)
strcat(sptext,"\n"); //sprintf(sptext,"%s\n",tekst);

// Check for serial input
void SerialCheck(void)
String SerialString = "";
while (Serial.available())
char c =; delay(3);
if (c>31 && c<127) SerialString += c; // Allow input from Space - Del
else c = 0;
if (SerialString.length()>0) ReworkInputString(SerialString); // Rework ReworkInputString();
SerialString = "";
// Check for Bluetooth input
void BluetoothCheck(void)
String BluetoothString = "";
char c = 0;
Bluetooth.listen(); // When using two software serial ports, you have to switch ports by listen()ing on each one in turn.
while (Bluetooth.available())
c =;
if (c>31 && c<127) BluetoothString += c;
else c = 0;
if (BluetoothString.length()>0)
ReworkInputString(BluetoothString); // Rework ReworkInputString();
BluetoothString = "";
// //
// Constrain a string with integers
// The value between the first and last character in a string is returned between the low and up bounderies
int SConstrainInt(String s,byte first,byte last,int low,int up){return constrain(s.substring(first, last).toInt(), low, up);}
int SConstrainInt(String s,byte first, int low,int up){return constrain(s.substring(first).toInt(), low, up);}

// Input from Bluetooth or Serial
// //
void ReworkInputString(String InputString)
InputString.trim(); // Remove trailing spaces
if (InputString.length()>10) return; // If string is too long for some reason
if (InputString[0] > 64 && InputString[0] <123) // If the first charater is a letter
sprintf(sptext,"**** Wrong entry ****"); // Default message
switch (InputString[0])
case 'A':
case 'a':
if (InputString.length() == 1)
sprintf(sptext,"Action A");
case 'D':
case 'd':
if (InputString.length() == 9 )
int Day, Month, Year;
Day = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,1,3,0,31);
Month = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,3,5, 0, 12);
Year = SConstrainInt(InputString,5,9, 2000, 3000);
sprintf(sptext,"%02d-%02d-%04d",Day, Month, Year);
case 'I':
case 'i':
if (InputString.length() == 1)
sptext[0] = 0; // Clear sptext


case 'R':
case 'r':
if (InputString.length() == 1)
// Reset(); // Reset all settings
Tekstprintln("\n**** Reset to default settings ****");
case 'T':
case 't':
if(InputString.length() >= 7) // T125500
int Hour, Minute, Second ;
Hour = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,1,3,0,23);
Minute = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,3,5,0,59);
Second = (byte) SConstrainInt(InputString,5,7,0,59);
sprintf(sptext,"%02d:%02d:%02d",Hour, Minute, Second);

InputString = "";